Our Outdoor Vendors

Each Saturday and Sunday, hundreds of DC’s best local artists and crafters set up tents in the street and plazas surrounding the market. Eastern Market’s arts and craft vendors are made up of painters, sculptors, independent designers, woodworkers, jewelers, potters, and photographers! The weekend market is open each Saturday and Sunday from 9am-3pm.

Below is the directory of our outdoor vendors:

Yinibini Baby

“When I was a little girl living in Guyana, South America, my mom used to take me to see my Great Aunt Jean, who is a great seamstress. I still remember how she pinned and gathered the fabric to create style and bounce, all while holding animated and entertaining conversations with my mom. I draw my inspiration for color, texture and patterns from memories of my Uncle Reggie’s (Great Aunt Jean’s husband) garden. He took pride in his garden, and the vibrant colors, textures and patterns of the fruits, flowers and vegetables still lingers in my mind. I apply the same meticulous care and love to my pieces, that Uncle Reggie applied to his garden.

That was just the beginning of my love for art, design and color. After graduating from college, I started Yinibini Baby! All of the clothing and accessories are all handmade or screenprinted and /or block printed by hand.

I consider myself a story-teller who tells stories with illustration and design. Each Illustration is based on a memory that has left a lasting impression on me and it’s my hope that my designs will make you happy!”

p: (202)681-9908
e: [email protected]
w: www.yinibinibaby.com
Facebook: /yinibinibaby
Instagram and Pinterest: @yinibinibaby

Our Outdoor Vendors